For me, NAAAP is the safe space where I can share, learn and practice, professional development knowledge, in a supportive environment. I can be all of me, where I am seen, heard and acknowledged. That safe space has empowered me to work with strategists, team builders, and build a community of Asian professionals in the Twin Cities. This group of amazing people volunteer their time and resources, for the betterment of the Asian community in Minnesota.
Recent Posts
- We Are Hiring: Executive Director Search
- Application Open: NAAAP National Board of Directors
- North America’s First Asian and Pacific Islander-centered Speaker Expo Held by Commissioner Mandy Sha
- Supercharge Your Event Online Onstage Onscreen with National Speakers Bureau
- “Betting on you: Winning at Leading” An AAPI Leadership Event by NAAAP
- Look Who’s Coming to the Virtual Career Fair, Nov. 4