5-minute Survey

Please read below and take a few minutes to fill out this important survey which supports Asian Pacific American (APA) professionals called the AsianUpward Asian360.

The survey should only take about 5 minutes to fill out. Kindly share with colleagues and your professional network as we want a large sampling pool.  Respondents can be from ethnic groups outside of APAs, as the survey seeks multi-ethnic perspectives.  We strongly encourage that the survey be shared with non-APA friends and colleagues.

Please complete the survey NLT Friday, July 23rd, 2021.

Survey link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/asian360study

Special Instructions for college students:

Part II under Department please select “Other” and write in your academic major.

Part II under Industry please select “Other” and write in “college student”

The Asian360 Study measures perspectives of Asian Pacific Americans (APAs) in comparison to other ethnic Americans regarding key characteristics. The cross-ethnic responses from the study will ultimately help APA professionals and the organizations that employ them. We invite and encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to complete this survey to have a 360 perspective.

The Asian360 study will be distributed and measured annually. This will help identify and understand long-term trends in addition to tracking how perceptions of APAs may have shifted.

For more information about AsianUpward by Elevate, visit www.asianupward.com or contact Michael Mau at michael.mau242@gmail.com