Together with the National Speakers Bureau, we have officially relinquished financial gain by offering North America’s first Asian professional-centered SPEAKER EXPO a 100% free professional development service for everyone.

The Expo takes place around the Lunar New Year, a millennia-old tradition of togetherness and upward mobility. In honor of this auspicious occasion, we make history and make #FirstClass things happen.

Mandy Sha

Speaker Expo Commissioner, Contact

On January 19 and 20, 2023, fifty Asian American, Asian Canadian, and Pacific Islander speakers and Allies present succinct and transformative messages that illuminate the most relevant issue topics and solutions for professionals at any career stage: 

View All Presentation Examples on YouTube

These 50 opinion influencers  have been selected from a rigorous audition and rehearsal process since August 2022, including eight masters of ceremonies who represent professional fields in DEIB, biotech, advertising, wellness, and public service as well as two distinguished Asian American leaders and NAAAP board members Elizabeth Yang and Fabian DeRozario.

Because the tenor of the #FirstClass virtual Speaker Expo is to TRANSFORM PUBLIC PERCEPTIONS about Asian and Pacific Islander professionals, an impact analysis is being conducted pro bono by Kearney, a global management consulting firm.

UPDATED March 30, 2023: Kearney reported a Net Promoter Score of 61 (“excellent”) for the Speaker Expo.