How You and Your Community Can Help Fight COVID-19: Pass It On Clinical Trial Webinar with the National Association of Asian American Professionals

Date: Jan 28, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM Central Time
Link to webinar recording: (35 minutes)


Learn how you can help find answers to treat COVID-19. 

This webinar for Asian American professionals and community leaders will discuss the Passive Immunity Trial for Our Nation (Pass It On), a clinical trial testing convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients as a possible treatment for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. In order for this clinical trial to be effective and reach some of the most heavily impacted communities, we need the support of trusted leaders and influencers. 

In this webinar designed for the AAPI community, the research team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center will share important information about the clinical trial. With this information, you can help save lives in your community.  

NAAAP is one of only four organizations nationwide hosting a special webinar on this study and will post the recording for people who have to miss it.

In this webinar, these and others questions from the audience will be answered live: 

  • What is convalescent plasma and where does it come from? 
  • Why is this clinical trial important? 
  • Who is eligible to participate in this trial? 
  • What are the benefits and risks participating in this trial?
  • Where is this trial taking place?
  • What is the cost of participating?
Why attend?

Currently, more than 24 million people in the United States have tested positive for COVID-19, 400,000+ have died, and almost 120,000 are hospitalized. Many medications and treatments are being studied. The Passive Immunity Trial for Our Nation (Pass It On) research study will help researchers learn if convalescent plasma helps hospitalized patients with COVID-19 recover faster. Previous research has shown that African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are more likely to become infected, hospitalized, and die from COVID-19. Therefore, it is important to learn if convalescent plasma will help people from these different racial and ethnic groups.

PassITON Website (English & Chinese)

PassITON website in English
PassITOn website in Chinese 

What is Convalescent Plasma? (English, Espanol, Mandarin Chinese)

What is Convalescent Plasma (English)? (30 second video
¿Qué es el plasma convaleciente (Espanol)? (30 second video)
Yun Wu, COVID-19 survivor and plasma donor (Mandarin Chinese) (video)

Webinar recording (35 minutes, English language)

Video webinar:

video recording of the PassITON webinar hosted by NAAAP. (English language, 35 minutes) 

How You and Your Community Can Help Fight COVID-19: Pass It On Clinical Trial Webinar with the National Association of Asian American Professionals

Date: Jan 28, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM Central Time
Link to webinar recording: (35 minutes)


Learn how you can help find answers to treat COVID-19. 

This webinar for Asian American professionals and community leaders will discuss the Passive Immunity Trial for Our Nation (Pass It On), a clinical trial testing convalescent plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients as a possible treatment for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. In order for this clinical trial to be effective and reach some of the most heavily impacted communities, we need the support of trusted leaders and influencers. 

In this webinar designed for the AAPI community, the research team at Vanderbilt University Medical Center will share important information about the clinical trial. With this information, you can help save lives in your community.  

NAAAP is one of only four organizations nationwide hosting a special webinar on this study and will post the recording for people who have to miss it.

In this webinar, these and others questions from the audience will be answered live: 

  • What is convalescent plasma and where does it come from? 
  • Why is this clinical trial important? 
  • Who is eligible to participate in this trial? 
  • What are the benefits and risks participating in this trial?
  • Where is this trial taking place?
  • What is the cost of participating?
Why attend?

Currently, more than 24 million people in the United States have tested positive for COVID-19, 400,000+ have died, and almost 120,000 are hospitalized. Many medications and treatments are being studied. The Passive Immunity Trial for Our Nation (Pass It On) research study will help researchers learn if convalescent plasma helps hospitalized patients with COVID-19 recover faster. Previous research has shown that African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians are more likely to become infected, hospitalized, and die from COVID-19. Therefore, it is important to learn if convalescent plasma will help people from these different racial and ethnic groups.

PassITON Website (English & Chinese)

PassITON website in English
PassITOn website in Chinese 

What is Convalescent Plasma? (English, Espanol, Mandarin Chinese)

What is Convalescent Plasma (English)? (30 second video
¿Qué es el plasma convaleciente (Espanol)? (30 second video)
Yun Wu, COVID-19 survivor and plasma donor (Mandarin Chinese) (video)

Link to Register for Webinar