NAAAP Congratulates President-elect Biden and VP-elect Harris

Senator Harris (D-CA) makes history after being selected as the first female, Black, and Asian American Vice President-elect of the United States.


[Atlanta, GA. 11/09/20] – The 2020 elections included many unprecedented events: a record number of voters mobilized to get to the polls, campaigning and voting during a pandemic, and the election of a woman of color to the second highest post in the nation. The National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) congratulates Senator Kamala Devi Harris for becoming the first female, Black, and Asian American Vice President-elect upon the election of Joe Biden as the United States’ 46th President-elect.

“Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and his diverse campaign team for a victorious run. Kamala Harris’ selection as Vice President shatters so many ceilings and reassures all that the American dream is indeed possible,” said Cyndy Yu-Robinson, NAAAP’s Executive Director. “Biden’s audacity to break barriers with a woman of color as a running mate begins shaping an Administration that looks like America.”

Senator Harris’ rise as the highest-ranking woman in the nation’s history occurs alongside the election of many other Asian American and Pacific Islanders to public service at the Federal, state, and local levels.  Over the course of the next several months, NAAAP will be working with other AAPI-serving organizations to brief members of the Presidential transition team, Members of Congress, and state and local officials on the issues affecting the AAPI community. 

As a non-partisan professional and leadership organization, NAAAP is committed to expanding the leadership and amplifying the voices of all Asian American and Pacific Islanders across all sectors, including those of civic engagement. With programs such as Women in NAAAP (WIN) and the Leadership Convention by NAAAP, among others, the organization will only continue to assist its members in realizing greater opportunities for leadership and representation.

* Reflections on Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’ accomplishments and heritage are in no way an endorsement for one political party.



About NAAAP 
The National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) is the premier leadership organization for Asian professionals in North America, with 25 active chapters and a reach of more than 20,000 professionals.  Since 1982, NAAAP has operated as a nonprofit to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace and community, and to inspire, develop, and connect leaders of all cultural and racial backgrounds in all major industries through professional development and community service.  For more information, please visit