NAAAP’s statement on Atlanta shootings
StopAsianHate - together. Last Tuesday, a white gunman walked into three Atlanta small businesses and shot and killed eight people. Six of them were Asian women. Murdering Asians because of their...

Speaking out against violence
NAAAP issued the following statement to amplify the demands of many national and local organizations to stop anti-Asian violence. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: pr@naaap.org February 11,...

Introducing KIP101 & NAAAP
Introducing KIP101 & NAAAP A new partnership to bring you impactful career insights on demand. National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) has come a long way since our founding...

AT&T focused on digital equity
NAAAP is in partnership with AT&T's Public Policy group to raise awareness about technology, policy options, and the public good. Closing the Homework Gap Blog post by Joan Marsh, Executive...

How You and Your Community Can Help Fight COVID-19: Pass It On Clinical Trial Webinar with NAAAP
How You and Your Community Can Help Fight COVID-19: Pass It On Clinical Trial Webinar with the National Association of Asian American Professionals Date: Jan 28, 2021 Time: 12:00 PM Central TimeLink...

Demographic Survey: You Count!
NAAAP's Demographic Survey: You Count! In January 2018, when NAAAP released findings of a membership survey, our organization had a wide array of professions and an increasingly diverse ethnic mix. ...

2020 Small Business Report
Bank of America, one of NAAAP's most active sponsors, is excited to share with you the latest insights from its Bank of America 2020 Small Business Owner Report. The study, which is based on a...

2020 NAAAP Year in Review
Happy holidays to all the members, leaders, and sponsors of NAAAP. 2020 has been filled with health, economic, and social challenges: the Covid-19 pandemic, widespread quarantine, businesses...

NCAPA calls for AAPI Inclusion in new Administration
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 17, 2020 CONTACT: Emma Shainwald emma@ncapaonline.org NCAPA Calls for Inclusion of AAPI Community in Biden-Harris Policy Agenda Washington, DC—The National...

NAAAP partners with Juno to lower higher ed costs
NAAAP has partnered with Juno, an organization that uses the power of group buying to help people get lower interest rates on new student loans as well as refinancing on existing student loans. Juno...