NAAAP has partnered with Juno, an organization that uses the power of group buying to help people get lower interest rates on new student loans as well as refinancing on existing student loans.

Juno is a completely free resource with no obligation to take the offered deals. Juno gives power back to borrowers and allows people to take ownership of their financial future. 

If you missed the Dec. 3 2020 webinar, please listen to the recording and carefully review detailed PDF and links below.

Important note:  If you have a Federal loan, the CARES Act (COVID-19) provides forbearance (non-payment ) on public funded loans through Dec. 31.  The Biden Administration is expected to make additional decisions in January 2021.  If you have a private loan, NOW through Dec. 31 is an EXCELLENT time to refinance your loan at today’s low interest rates.

Recording of Dec. 3 webinar
PDF of How to Finance Higher Education
Register for free Juno account

Sign up for a free Juno account here

Benefits of signing up for a free account

  1. Updates on financial news that affect your loan rates  
  2. Monthly drawing for scholarship
  3. Access to other resources
Monthly $1000 scholarship drawing

Juno’s monthly $1,000 scholarship drawing, which can be applied to tuition or existing student loans

Financial Literacy Resources

Juno’s Financial Literacy page with lots of resources