Being an Asian Pacific Islander (API) woman in the business world is a specific and an important distinction that comes with a significant set of obstacles. The gender pay gap between women and men in the corporate world continues to be a problem for women’s career advancement and financial freedom for themselves and their families. For an API woman, this discrepancy is even greater. On top of a lack of financial security, API women, like many women of color, have to also deal with considerable criticism in the workplace and harassment due to systemic inequalities and injustice. After the tragic Atlanta shooting this last March, the API community and its supporters have urgently worked to come together and bring more needed visibility and support for all API women.
Riley Woods, Women’s Summit Director, describes the importance of having the first Women’s Summit co-hosted by NAAAP and the Center for Asian Pacific American Women, a nonprofit organization developing API women to be impactful and influential leaders;
“With everything going on that we have faced this last year (Atlanta shooting) it’s been really hard to be an Asian American woman, or any woman of color. We wanted this [event] to be a safe space to share stories, come together to show we are strong, resilient, and can have it all.”
The Women’s Summit takes place on Friday, August 20th from 12 p.m.- 4 p.m. EDT/9 a.m. – 1 p.m. PDT, on day 3 of the four-Friday Leadership Convention by NAAAP. This summit is geared towards API professional women, and is open to all that want to learn about the many inequalities API women face. If you are an API woman, a woman of color, a supporter of anti-sexism in the workplace and want to take an active approach to help the community advance and secure equitable career paths, join us.
NAAAP is excited to feature two distinguished keynotes to begin the day: Kiran Ahuja, Director of U.S. Office of Personnel Management; and Grace Meng, U.S. Congressperson of New York. Other notable speakers include: Lucia Liu, Rock the Boat Podcast, Jennifer Kwoon PhD., MBA, Organizational Psychologist, Alvina Lo, Chief Wealth Strategist and Sr. VP, Wilmington Trust, and Monica Khant, Executive Director of the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender Based Violence. Come share, learn, and participate in the first of hopefully many more API Women’s Summits.
The 2021 Leadership Convention by NAAAP will be held each Friday throughout the month of August. Get full access to all keynotes and sessions by purchasing a General Admission ticket. Promo codes are available for NAAAP members, partners, and sponsors for a limited time. College students can register to attend the convention for FREE. For more information about the convention please visit: To inquire about getting involved with NAAAP, to sponsor, to donate, or to find your local NAAAP chapter, please visit
Writer and Public Relations Contact:
Noelle D. Blanco